Option 3

Option 3

$199.00 every month

One-on-One Health & Lifestyle Coaching

Everything from Options 1 and 2, plus Personalized Coaching including one-on-one sessions in-person or on the phone.

Includes a one-hour initial strategy session (in-person or on phone).

Weekly phone check-in (during first month).

Bi-weekly phone or in-person check-in (months 2-6).

Coaching, encouragement, and education specific to your personal needs.

Continue to receive a daily email for encouragement and accountability.

Receive a daily link to a goal check list.

Weekly reflection and goal setting.

Plus 1-2 personalized daily text messages for encouragement and accountability.

$199/mo (or $1000 for 6 months)
If you have questions about this option, email us at coach@30DaysOfAwesome.com
*Necia coaches women / Jon coaches men.
